Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ghost scene

For this entry I would like you to suggest a scene that could be added to Kapitoil that would add interest, intrigue, or clarification.  In your post, do two things:

1)  Explain what would happen in the scene.  Who would be in it; what would happen; what conversations would take place; where it would be set.

2) Explain/analyze how the inclusion of your added scene would contribute to one of the conflicts, ideas, or themes that you see emerging in the novel.

In terms of what kind of scene to add, that is entirely up to you.  Be creative.  Think broadly.  You might consider a flashback scene.  There are a few in the book already, but not too many.  Would an additional flashback scene clear up some confusion you have about Karim?  Or Zahira?  Or Karim's mom?  Dad?  Any of the other characters?   

Or you could add a scene to the real time of the book, perhaps something that would further bring out Karim's dilemma... or perhaps something that would help us understand Rebecca ... or Dan ... or Jefferson ... or Mr. Schrub.  It's up to you!  Let's confine our scenes to things that would occur up to the end of the assigned reading (192), just so those who have read further don't spoil it for those who haven't.


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  2. The scene I would add is a flashback in Rebecca's life. It would be the moment her doctor prescribed her with Zoloft. Zoloft is an anti-depressant and it seems like there was an event that triggered her depression/anxiety but it is nonexistent in the book. At first I thought is was the splitting of her parents but that seemed like too minor of a situation to lead to her medication. In the scene I would have them both in a psychiatrists office, and her doctor asking her questions about her life. She would respond by saying how she doesn't like her job, and how she would rather teach. This continual hatred of her lifestyle is why the doctor gave her the pills.
    I would put this scene a few pages after Karim first sees the pill bottle at her house. I feel like it would do a lot to clarify why she is using the pills. The original scene was a classic Teddy Wayne moment: adding a scene that is random that induces thought of the reader, similar to the Jefferson/Dan bromance moment. I also feel like these scene would give better insight on Rebecca's past, because that is kept vague as well. Overall it gives clarity to a few small points in the novel that I feel make it more interesting.

    1. Nice entry, Walker. Very thoughtful and interesting. It's always good when the first entry is intriguing because it sets the tone for what is to follow.

  3. I really like Wakler's scene addition, I think it would give us some more in depth understanding of Rebecca and her history. My idea for a scene addition would be a secret meeting between Mr. Schrub and the heads of the company, to discuss Karim and Kapitoil. At first I wasn't sure how that would work because the story is told from Karim's POV, but then I thought it could be possible with his voice recorder. That recorder has been such a vital key in Karim's life in America and without he feels "naked". He could have accidently left it in a conference room, then the heads would meet up and discuss their true intentions for Karim in the company. Then Karim would go pick up where he left it, then listen to the meeting.
    The reason I think this scene would be interesting is that I'm still unsure if Schrub is simply using Karim as a tool, to only get rid of him and replace him with another. Maybe we would find out their meeting was about how they would take the credit away from Karim for kapitoil, or we would find it was just a talk of indolence.

    1. Or maybe an intercepted email... or something like that. This definitely becomes an issue as the novel progresses. Nice!

  4. I really like Ryan's and Walker's scene addition, but I would do something a little different. I would add a flashback scene in the time period when Karim is with Mr. Shrubs and his family in Greenwich, Connecticut. The flashback would be back on Doha when Karim is a few years younger and he has an argument with his father over his dream to move to America. This would give the reader proof on why the relationship between the two is so superficial and tense. The flashback would be triggered by Mr. Shrubs when he is lecturing his two sons, Wilson and Jeromy, over their inappropriate behavior. Karim's mind would go back to that specific argument with his father when he hears Mr. Shrubs say, "Im furious with you two. You've really let me down." Karim would picture himself in his small living room back home as his father lectures him on his dream of working in a corporate office, learning, and becoming rich enough to give Zahira the life that she deserves. It would give the reader a better understanding of the dad himself and why he does not want him to move to America. For example the dad would tell him that he would loose his moral standing and might grow away from religion in a country where money is the main goal. Karim's father would be afraid that Karim would loose himself in the big city and its ambitions.
    I think this would be a good flashback to add because Karim would give us a better understanding of his relationship with his dad. Also how he connects Mr. Shrubs and his father to have "similar philosophies." This would be interesting to read because Mr.Shrubs and Karim's father are portrayed in completely different ways, and Karim might see a different side of his dad that he was oblivious to before if he is able to compare some of his father's qualities with Mr. Shrub's.

    1. Nice, Paola. There's a strange father-son thing going on with Schrub and Karim (Schrub puts his arm around Karim; Karim smiles). So this type of scene might be pretty interesting. It would certainly bring the relationship between Karim and his dad into focus.

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  6. My scene would be in Rebecca's apartment. Karim likes listening to music in her apartment. I would really like it to be a scene where they are talking and then Rebecca asks Karim if he would like to hear some music. Karim would select the choice this time and ask Rebecca if she had any Beatles. Luckily, Rebecca will have all the albums from the Beatles. When Karim turns the music on, his mother's favorite song will come on. Karim will start crying and tell Rebecca about how his mother died and how this song was her favorite song.

    If this scene was added, we would learn a fact that has alluded us throughout the book. I feel that Karim goes back to his mother's favorite song whenever he is worried that America is corrupting him too much. I would like to see Karim find out what the song is because I listen to the Beatles alot, just like Karim's mother. I feel that this entry will make me connect with Karim on a higher level. I also feel that this seen will make me happy when I see that Karim is happy.

    1. You really want that Beatles song to be revealed, don't you Vishnu? :)

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    1. Due to the fact that Kapitoil is told from Karim's point of view, we typically only build a sense of connection to the story through his eyes. However, I feel we, the readers, would really benefit from hearing a part of the story when Karim is not around. Like Ryan alluded to, in context of the story it would be very difficult and confusing to all of the sudden diverge to a scene where Jefferson and Dan are conversing alone. While at Rebecca's apartment, she would tell Karim about the "office talk" with Karim in his new suite. Karim would become dumfounded when Rebecca would tell him that Jefferson and Dan in fact showed his first project to Mr. Schrub and took all the credit in an attempt to put Karim in his "place" in American society. However, they would prove to Mr. Schrub that they in fact had no knowledge of the product and would become discredited while Mr. Schrub would be disinterested. Overall this would prove to Karim that while he appears to become more included in his life as an American, he is still alienated. The sole reason for his inclusion into parties such as the Halloween party would be to help themselves climb the business ladder.

  8. Walker's scene would be a very interesting one and would give us more information and background of Rebecca. I don't know why, but it seems to me like she has some trust issues or something similar and that scene could really clear things up for us. Vishnu's is also a really good one..
    My scene would take place at the party in Rebecca's apartment where they kind of have a moment. I would make that happen and add a kiss in there or something like that, but after the effects of the marijuana had worn off. They both clearly have feelings for each other and I think it's about time they did something about it, but without being high. This scene would make things more interesting and tense when Karim goes back to the office. I would like to see how he would analyze what happened between them. This would also hook a reader more into the book because I'd be reading more to find out what happened when they saw each other next. I would add this scene also because Karim needs to open his eyes and realize that Rebecca is interested in him, we've seen a couple of times where she gets jealous when Karim is talking to other girls or doing things that Dan and Jefferson have sort of pushed him into doing. She doesn't like that he's changing and becoming more American. In a couple of scenes we also find Karim thinking about Rebecca (when he's in Connecticut with the Schrubs) and I think it would be really cool to finally see something happen between them.

  9. I like Ryan's scene, especially how it would be told. When I read that section I was totally expecting something like that, where Karim would listen to his recorder after returning to New York and hear Schrub talking to someone on the phone about something that would incriminate him or expose his true feelings toward Karim. I also like Alejandra's scene; it would be very powerful and exciting and awkward all at the same time, and it would develop Karim's relationship with Rebecca more.
    My scene would also take place at Rebecca's party, where a few people at the party would be talking about Middle Eastern politics. Earlier, before the party, Karim would hear of a bombing somewhere that would greatly benefit Schrub because of Kapitoil. As usual, he would not think much of it or he would tell himself that what he's doing is not wrong, and it would never be mentioned again by anyone. However, when he hears someone else talk about it it may affect him differently. He would hear someone, maybe even Rebecca for dramatic effect, say how horrible it is that people are being killed in the Middle East for no reason. Karim would then maybe start to doubt himself a little and question if what he is doing with Kapitoil is moral. It would be harder to justify himself if another person was questioning him, even if it was done indirectly. I think this scene would be especially interesting if it happened after he used the bong, since he would be way more vulnerable and his mind would not be as sharp as it usually is. Also, his response would be more intense and unpredictable, and maybe he would inadverdently reveal something to Rebecca about himself or Kapitoil.

  10. Tony, good job on writing more than two sentences this time. I have really enjoyed what all of you have written thus far. Tony's scene seems to be the closest as to what I would like to add. I would also add to a "party scene" but I would add to the Thanksgiving party at the drivers house. As we find out Karim goes to an acquaintances Thanksgiving party and decides it would be a good idea to bring Rebecca along. They (guests) play a board game that he (Karim) has never participated in. At first he did not play, but then after a while he joined in and it turned out that he was really good. The one change I would make is that Karim would play the game from the beginning, and still be good. But at one point someone would comment on how he "analyzes" instead of just plays "freely". After this comment Karim would shift his playing style to how everyone is playing. After some time he would play worse than before. This may seem like a pointless addition/change to the story, however, I think that since Karim has assimilated so well this could be a "humbling" moment for him as an American.

  11. I really like the scene that Walker would add. I think Rebecca is a very intriguing character and for right now, we dont have a lot of information about her. Instead of putting this scene at the doctor or the phycologist, I think I would do more of a montage situation, a bunch of clips showing what lead her to be on this medication and then maybe the last one would be her going into the doctors office. I think by having all the things that led to her being put of Zoloft, would answer all the questions that the reader is wondering about her. Then by knowing all these things, I think people might be able to relate to her and understand why she does the things she does. I think I would put this scene in the same place that Walker put it, right after Karim finds the Zoloft bottle. Then Rebecca would walk in. Obviously since this is before Karim knew Rebecca, he would not be in any of these scenes. Although Karim is not in these scenes it would still make sense because it is a flash back of Rebecca's life. I think that it would greatly benefit the reader to be about to understand her character more. Then I would add another scene later in the book when Rebecca and Karim are more close, and rebecca explains the scenes that we previously saw in more detail so then we know more and Karim is clued in. Once again love his book, and the blog(:
