Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Last

For this entry, kindly answer the following:  What did you think of the ending?  Before you answer, think hard about what you wanted to happen, about what made the most sense in the context of the story, about how you felt when you put the book down, about how you would have felt about a different ending, about how you feel about endings of books in general, about the difference between the endings of novels vs. the endings of movies.  After you've thought about all that, tell us what you think.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ghost scene

For this entry I would like you to suggest a scene that could be added to Kapitoil that would add interest, intrigue, or clarification.  In your post, do two things:

1)  Explain what would happen in the scene.  Who would be in it; what would happen; what conversations would take place; where it would be set.

2) Explain/analyze how the inclusion of your added scene would contribute to one of the conflicts, ideas, or themes that you see emerging in the novel.

In terms of what kind of scene to add, that is entirely up to you.  Be creative.  Think broadly.  You might consider a flashback scene.  There are a few in the book already, but not too many.  Would an additional flashback scene clear up some confusion you have about Karim?  Or Zahira?  Or Karim's mom?  Dad?  Any of the other characters?   

Or you could add a scene to the real time of the book, perhaps something that would further bring out Karim's dilemma... or perhaps something that would help us understand Rebecca ... or Dan ... or Jefferson ... or Mr. Schrub.  It's up to you!  Let's confine our scenes to things that would occur up to the end of the assigned reading (192), just so those who have read further don't spoil it for those who haven't.